





【Stretching & Massage You Can Do While Lying Down】
These simple stretches and massages help relax and loosen your body. Try them before bed or in the morning to improve flexibility and unwind.

Knee Hug Stretch:Lie on your back and hug both knees to your chest, gently rocking. This relieves lower back tension.

Crocodile Pose (Spinal Twist Stretch):Bend one knee and cross it over your body while extending your arms. Turn your head to the opposite side to stretch your back.

Abdominal Massage:Gently massage your abdomen in a circular motion around your navel to promote relaxation.

Foot Sole Massage:Rub the sole of one foot against your opposite shin or knee to stimulate circulation and ease tension.

These can be done easily while lying down. For a deeper relaxation experience, a stay in Kyoto is highly recommended!

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