Human Stretch ブログ


コンセプトは『海外🇬🇧の公園にヨガマットをひいてストレッチを受けている!』という空間を体現しております!Human Stretch京都錦グランドオープン記念で【初回半額60分4200円‼️】で施術を受けれます!肩こり,腰痛,骨盤矯正,肩甲骨はがし,ストレッチによりリンパを流したい!など色々なお悩みの方が施術を体験して頂いております。

Today I would like to introduce the atmosphere of the interior! The concept of the space is like “taking a stretch on a yoga mat in a park. In celebration of the grand opening of Human Stretch Kyoto Nishiki, we are offering a first-time half-price treatment of 60 minutes for 4,200 yen! We have a variety of treatments for people with stiff shoulders, lower back pain, pelvic correction, shoulder blade removal, lymphatic drainage by stretching (sports massage), and more! We have many people who have various problems such as stiff shoulders, lower back pain, pelvic correction, shoulder blade removal, lymphatic drainage by stretching (sports massage)


【Human Stretch 京都錦店 場所紹介✨


We have opened a stretching (sports massage)store within 5 minutes walk from Karasuma station and Shijo station, within 5 minutes walk from Kawaramachi station, and 10 minutes walk from Karasuma-Oike station, right on the street facing Nishiki Market. We can help those who have physical problems (stiff shoulders, lower back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, nervous system pain, lack of exercise, etc.), those who are very stiff and need stretching (sports massage), and sports players who want to improve their performance! We are looking forward to seeing you at our Kyoto location. We look forward to meeting you at our Kyoto location as well. We are serious about becoming your “partner for lifelong health”! Please feel free to contact us! We look forward to hearing from you!




【What is ankle range of motion limitation?】
Ankle range of motion limitation occurs when the ankle’s flexibility is reduced, causing discomfort or pain during walking and daily activities. It can also affect performance during sports.




1. ストレッチ


2. 肩回し


3. 温める






【Shoulder Headache: Causes and Solutions】

Shoulder headaches occur when tension in the shoulder and neck muscles impairs blood circulation, leading to pain from the shoulders to the head. Common causes include prolonged desk work, poor posture, and stress.


1. Stretching: Slowly tilt your head to the side and stretch the muscles (hold for 10 seconds).

2. Shoulder Rotations: Rotate your shoulders forward and backward to relieve tension.

3. Warmth: Use a warm compress or towel to improve circulation and reduce pain.

Shoulder headaches can be prevented by adjusting your lifestyle. Incorporating stretches and exercise during desk work is effective. If you’re struggling with shoulder headaches, be sure to try our signature stretches in Kyoto! Our professional massage and advice will support you in regaining a comfortable daily life.

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