
京都 “Human Stretch”では身体をじっくりとほぐし、姿勢を整え、柔軟性を高めることで、不調を根本からケア。特に、肩こり・腰痛、姿勢の歪み、疲れが取れにくいといったお悩みにアプローチします!

【Restore Your Body in a Healing Space.】

Experience a special moment of relaxation for your body and mind in a nature-inspired space.
【For those in their 30s and 40s.】
Is your body stiff from work, housework, or desk jobs?
At Kyoto “Human Stretch”, we focus on relieving stiffness, improving posture, and enhancing flexibility to address root causes of discomfort, such as shoulder tension, lower back pain, and fatigue.
We not only focus on the treatments but also take great care in creating a relaxing “environment.” In a space inspired by the rich natural beauty of the UK, we offer specialized stretching and massage techniques to help you unwind!

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