朝:目覚めのストレッチ 朝は体が固まりやすいので、寝起きのストレッチで血流を促進しましょう。
1 全身の伸びストレッチ:両手を頭上で組み、つま先を伸ばしながら全身を伸ばします。深呼吸して10秒キープ。
1 肩回しストレッチ:椅子に座り、肩を前から後ろへ大きく回し、5回繰り返した後、逆に後ろから前へ回します。
夜:疲れを癒すリラックスストレッチ 1日の疲れを癒し、良質な睡眠をサポートするストレッチを取り入れましょう。
1 股関節ほぐしストレッチ:仰向けで片膝を胸に引き寄せ、腰と股関節の緊張をほぐします。
【Recommended Stretches for Morning, Noon, and Night】
Incorporating “massage” and “stretching” into your daily routine helps improve your body’s condition and ensures a healthy day.
Morning: Wake-up Stretch. Stretch your body to boost circulation after waking up.
1 Full Body Stretch: Interlace your fingers above your head, stretch your toes, and hold for 10 seconds while breathing deeply.
Noon: Refreshing Shoulder Relief Stretch. Relieve tension in your shoulders and neck after desk work or chores.
1 Shoulder Rotation Stretch:Sit in a chair and rotate your shoulders in large circles, 5 times forward and 5 times backward, focusing on your shoulder blades to ease tension.
Night: Relaxing Stretch to Unwind. Ease the day’s fatigue and support good sleep.
1 Hip Stretch: Lie on your back, bring one knee to your chest, and release tension in the hips.
Daily care changes your body. Keep stretching to improve flexibility and reduce fatigue. Experience relaxation and relieve tension with professional massages in Kyoto…!