【What is ankle range of motion limitation?】Ankle range of motion limitation occurs when the ankle’s flexibility is reduced, causing discomfort or pain during walking and daily activities. It can also affect performance during sports.
肩頭痛は、肩や首の筋肉の緊張により血行が悪化し、その結果、肩から頭にかけて痛みが広がる症状です。主な原因としては、長時間のデスクワークや不良姿勢、ストレスが挙げられます。【改善策 】1. ストレッチ首をゆっくり横に倒し、筋肉を伸ばす(10秒キープ)2. 肩回し前後に大きく回し、緊張を和らげる3. 温める湿布や温タオルで血行を促進させる【肩頭痛を防ぐために…】肩頭痛は、生活習慣を見直すことで予防が可能です。デスクワーク中のこまめなストレッチや適度な運動を取り入れることが効果的です。肩頭痛でお困りの方は、ぜひ京都にお越しいただき、当店自慢のストレッチで肩と首の疲れをリフレッシュしてください!!プロの手による施術や効果的なアドバイスで、快適な毎日を取り戻すお手伝いをいたします。
【Shoulder Headache: Causes and Solutions】Shoulder headaches occur when tension in the shoulder and neck muscles impairs blood circulation, leading to pain from the shoulders to the head. Common causes include prolonged desk work, poor posture, and stress.Solutions:1. Stretching: Slowly tilt your head to the side and stretch the muscles (hold for 10 seconds).2. Shoulder Rotations: Rotate your shoulders forward and backward to relieve tension.3. Warmth: Use a warm compress or towel to improve circulation and reduce pain.Shoulder headaches can be prevented by adjusting your lifestyle. Incorporating stretches and exercise during desk work is effective. If you’re struggling with shoulder headaches, be sure to try our signature stretches in Kyoto! Our professional massage and advice will support you in regaining a comfortable daily life.